The second chapter of the mysteries of Forgotten Hill is finally available! Will you escape the Puppeteer?
Need some help? Stuck on some puzzles? Check out Forgotten Hill: Puppeteer Game Guide!
The second chapter of the mysteries of Forgotten Hill is finally available! Will you escape the Puppeteer?
just finished this game, it was better than the last, the ending is very sad tho…
I hope this also an update and there,s a new game also this game is very fun
Just a theory: The fat guy is hungry and we have to give him something to eat, so we give him a brain, fingers and an eyeball, and none seem to be rotten. We also got a heart, but we couldn’t feed it to him because it belonged to our girlfriend. For her puppet form to work, she needed a heart and bucket with blood, but otherwise, she didn’t need anything else, her whole body was of wood (or whatever puppets were made of), the fingers, the eyes and possibly even the brain (if a puppet needs one), but she did need the heart, an actual heart, so there was no use of real fingers, eyes and brain, and I think what we fed the fat guy were the remains of our girlfriend
That changed my whole perspective on the fat guy. Wow.
I completely agree. Must I say though that fat guy is something else, damn he is really fat
Wow. That seems accurate on forgotten hill. Wouldn’t make sense anywhere else, but forgotten hill works.
I speedrun again and i am a genius
I can’t get past coat plz help
The colour code is orange, grey, green.
for wut
the color code is for the order you need to put the jackets in! you get the hint after you rip up the poster in the kitchen
Bro i can not get past the vending machine pussle and I’m doing it right
Yo are there more than one ending…..
no there arent…?
I did the Vending machine puzzle correctly but nothing happened, some advice?
i actually need help on that one too
u use the peice of broke mirra
I’m still confused
T-T my girlfriend got turned into a puppet… I mean, I’ll still marry her but the Puppeteer has to give her back first.
bro thats how i would do it XD
I loved this F.H. Game but In the end I was terrified (I’m a baby ok TwT)
I was the first time I played it! Also, have you played Forgotten Hill: Run, Run, Little Horse? Because I’m pretty sure the kid who had to kill his horse is either the Puppeteer or the Colonel.
I made it to the end and sadly did not find the fiance but was captured by a puppet that looked evil
In the end, You find her inside the closet. You give her the cross to set her soul free. She was transformed INTO a puppet.
No, the puppet that you had to give the heart and blood to was your fiance. The puppet in the closet was the mom from the newspaper.
Well i love it its the best at the end its horrifying so i love it so far
i love these games ive been playing these in school. i feel like if they made a school version of these games add into the story i would love it.
Maybe they will make a Forgotten Hill: School game. That would be really cool, right?
I love Forgotten Hill, and Puppeteer is my favourite episode, from Italy 🙂
actually, isis is not a thing anymore soooo
Good game for your friends to play and get scared
I hope they make a second one
What is the code for the colors on the vending machine?!.
yellow on the second then move 1 all the way to the yellow mark then you are good
I can’t get passed the dog?
are you talking about the dog in the grate barking? if so just tap the broom as many times as he barks each time.
tap the broom in order of his barks
Holy crap. I feel so bad for you, I mean… I am speechless, and I talk a LOT. Are you ok? Do u want me to call police for u?
dude are you actually okay? im willing to call someone for where
oh my god.. i dont know if this is serious or not
Give him your joker card
how do i beat the puppeteer? er the dog thing in cards
give him the joker card
how do you complete the sliding puzzle from the missing family picture
Eh, why not, let’s try a walkthrough.
Getting in.
You start the game with a ticket and a silver cross in your inventory. The door to the show requires a 3 symbol code.
Take a closer look at your ticket. Note the 3 symbols in the bottom center.
The code is a moon shape, an hourglass, and three dots.
The lobby.
You’re in a room with a closed door, a ticket booth, and a slashed poster. Click on the window of the ticket booth to zoom in, and again to open it. Give your ticket to the creepy puppet guy.
Before we exit the lobby, take a moment to note the symbol below the ticket window: an arrow with a square on it pointing down and to the right.
The hallway, part 1.
Go through the lobby door to enter the hallway. In the first part of the hall there’s a door to a bathroom and a vending machine. The top left of the vending machine has a slider/colour puzzle, which we have no clues for yet. There also appears to be a heart in the vending machine, which we lack the money to buy yet.
The bathroom.
The bathroom is pretty standard creepy bathroom: cracked mirror, sink full of blood, and bloody handprints all over the walls. You can open the cabinet under the sink, but there’s nothing in there but some questionable plumbing choices.
Clicking on the mirror, however, gets us a shard of glass.
Lobby again.
Go back out to the lobby (click the arrow on the left in the hallway to get there). That poster is already slashed, what’s the harm in defacing it a little more?
Use your mirror shard on the poster to reveal a 3×3 grid of skulls and red circles. Note the pattern.
The hallway, part 2
Go back into the hallway and go right, past the part with the vending machine, to a section with a fat puppet sitting in a chair, who will hereby be called Mr Creosote puppet. On the table in front of him is a newspaper clipping, which you can read for some creepy backstory. There’s a door to the buffet, and a picture of some bells. Note the sizes of the bells in the picture. Talk to Mr Creosote puppet, and he will tell you he’s hungry, and would like you to bring him something to eat.
The buffet
Go in the buffet door. There’s a poster with some mandrake-looking plant people, a set of 3 different sized bells on the wall, a table with a serving platter (sadly empty), bird skull, and dirty plates on it, and another pile of dirty dishes on the floor.
3 bells, huh? Where have we seen that recently?
Use the code from the picture in the hallway on the bells.
middle, small, big, small, small, middle.
Entering the code will make the serving dish on the table wiggle.
Open the serving dish and take the eyeball.
What is that green muck on the pile of dirty dishes on the floor? May as well take it, never know when you might need some sticky stuff.
And before we leave, defacing that poster in the lobby was so much fun, let’s do it again.
Use the mirror shard on the plant-people poster to reveal 3 skeletons on orange, green, and grey backgrounds.
The hallway, part 3.
Back to the hallway and right again, this time to a view with doors to the theater and the dressing room, as well as a poster on the wall with a puppet on it. Below the poster is a bug.
Click on the bug to get a closer view of it. When you try to click on it, it runs away from you (if you run it off the screen you’ll go back to the hall view, just click on the bug again to zoom back in).
If only we had something sticky to catch the darned thing.
Use the sticky stuff from the buffet on the wall while zoomed in, and chase the bug into it; the bug will get stuck, and you can grab it. We have a green beetle now!
Another poster? Well, we’ve had good luck with defacing them so far…
Use the mirror shard on the puppet poster to reveal another, creepier puppet. Make note of the position of its arms and legs.
The dressing room.
Enter the dressing room. There’s a closet with 3 coats, and a 3×3 grid with skulls and blood drops.
The coats are coloured grey, orange, and green; where have we seen colours like that before?
Move the coats around until they’re in the order from the poster in the buffet: orange on far left, green in center, grey on far right.
Click the green coat and a photo will fall out. Picking it up, it seems to be the family described in that newspaper clipping back with Mr Creosote puppet.
Now on to the 3×3 grid. Where have we seen something like that before?
Click on the skulls and blood drops until it matches the poster from the lobby: skulls in a T shape, blood on the side.
Personally, I found it easiest to get them all to skulls, then click on the bottom 2 corners
A hidden passage! Wow! In the hidden room is a creepy raven saint painting above a blow of green stuff and a pair of candles. A wrench inexplicably hangs on the wall, and a card in on a table. Take the wrench and card (a joker); as we’ve sadly lost our mirror shard we can’t deface the raven saint painting, so we may as well head out for now.
The theater.
Head back out to the hall and go in the theater. A new creepy puppet (some sort of cat/bear thing?) in a top hat will pop up and want to play cards. Sounds like fun.
When he tells you to choose a card, use your joker from your hand. If you can’t cheat an evil cat/bear puppet, who can you cheat? Victory also nets you a coin.
Once the cardsharp puppet leaves, take a look around the theater. There’s symbols on the back on the seats, and a stage with the curtain drawn.
Go up to the stage and click to open the curtain. What a surprise, a creepy puppet! By clicking and dragging you can move his limbs around.
While we’ve seen a lot of creepy puppets, this one should look somewhat familiar. Remember that poster back in the hallway?
Move the puppet’s limbs so they match the poster in the hall. It can be somewhat finicky, and resets when you go away, so you may want to take a screenshot of the poster or make a drawing of it or something.
Once the puppet is gone the backdrop lifts, revealing a door to backstage and a large wheel with three arrows. We don’t have all the clues for the wheel yet, so let’s go backstage.
Backstage is a hall with 3 doors, a picture on the wall, and a locked trapdoor in the floor. The left and middle door are also locked, but the right one opens when you click on it. Take a look at the picture on the wall; make a note of the symbol and colour it’s on.
Go in the rightmost door. There’s a set of 4 more creepy puppets and 4 picture frames, 3 with photos and 1 empty. The top picture is a hand with 3 fingers up, the middle is a spooky house, and the bottom is an arrow with a triangle on it pointing up.
An empty frame, and we have this nice family photo here. What could possibly go wrong?
Zoom in on the empty frame and put the photo in it. Oh dear, the family is now all evil. However, there’s also some symbols in the top left corner now – make a note of them, then zoom back out.
We can click on the puppets, and sometimes this makes the number of fingers in the top picture change. Could there be a pattern?
The number of fingers tells you which puppet to click next.
3, 1, 4, 2, 3, 1
Another bug! Just what we always wanted! Take the azure beetle.
Backstage, part 2.
Return to the backstage hallway. The middle door needs an 8-symbol code, which all seem to be circles of some sort. Where have we seen 8 circle-shaped symbols?
Enter the code from the backs of the seats in the theater.
The middle room contains a shelf with a lighter, a bucket, some graffiti of bells, a broom, and a grate in the wall with glowing eyes in it. Take the lighter and bucket, and make note of the bells. When you click the broom it taps the bookcase, and the creature in the vent barks.
The number of barks tells you the number of taps to make with the broom next. This puzzle is easier with sound on.
2, 3, 2, 1, 3
A yellow beetle this time. Yay.
Before we tackle that last door, let’s use some of these nifty items we’ve been picking up.
Back into the hallway, through the dressing room and into the secret room. Now that we have a lighter, let’s light those candle under creepy raven saint. A heart-shaped key is our reward.
Still saddened over our inability to deface creepy raven saint, we leave the secret room and make our way back to the buffet. Use the code from the center backstage room on the bells.
middle, small, big, small, middle, middle.
Another shake of the serving dish, and this time we get a brain. Yummy.
And now to the bathroom.
Place the bucket in the cabinet under the sink and use the wrench on the pipe to get a bucket of blood. In now blood-free sink is a red beetle for us to take.
Backstage, part 3.
Head back to backstage. The heart-shaped key doesn’t seem to unlock the trapdoor; bummer. The left door has a bunch of symbols on it you can slide around, and circle with roman numerals on them from 1 to 8 over some of the spaces. Do any of the symbols look familiar?
They’re from the family portrait in the rightmost backstage room. Slide the symbols around until each circle has the correct symbol under it.
Another creepy portrait, frames for 4 bugs, and a desk with a note that says something about things opening when evil can’t see.
4 frames for bugs, and 4 bugs in our inventory. Once the bugs are in their proper frames, the painting slides away to reveal some sort of safe. Two buttons move circles with eyes, two move circles with moons to block the eyes. Didn’t that note say something about making it so evil can’t see?
Rotate the circles until all the eyes are covered with moons.
This can be done by trial and error, but the simplest way is
2nd button 3 times, 3rd button twice, bottom button once.
Once the safe opens you’ll get two pieces of paper – one with symbols on colours, and one that looks a little like music notation.
Buffet, yet again.
Return to the buffet. The music note paper gives yet another melody for the bells.
big, middle, big, small, middle, small
This time the shaking serving dish give us fingers.
Back into the hall with Mr. Creosote puppet. Poor guy’s been so hungry, but we haven’t really found any real food. I guess the random body parts from the buffet will have to do.
Give Mr. Creosote puppet the eyeball, brain, and fingers to eat.
Oops, I guess that was too much food after all. Take the key from Mr. Creosote puppet’s exploded stomach.
Backstage, part 4.
We have a key, what still needs unlocking?
Let’s try this key in the trapdoor backstage.
Huzzah! It works!
Oh no! Our girlfriend is being turned into a puppet! And her chest has a little door in it! And some sort of tube is going into her arm from a vat on the wall! Also there’s an arrow on the wall with a circle on it pointing left.
That little door in her chest is locked, but lucky us, we have the key to her heart.
Use the heart key to open the little door. Alas, her heart is gone!
Fortunately, we have that heart we got from the vending machine for $5. Put it in her chest cavity, and close the door
Hmm, still no response. Maybe the heart needs something to actually move around?
Empty the bucket of blood into the vat on the wall and press the red button.
She’s alive! Well, an undead puppet, actually. Drat. She gives you some ominous warnings and a piece of paper with some symbols and colours on it.
Backtracking, part 2.
On our way back out to the hallway stop at the stage. Remember those three arrow with shapes in them?
Arrow with a square from the ticket booth in the lobby, pointing down and right. Arrow with a square from the photo in the right room backstage, pointing up. Arrow with a circle next to our zombie-puppet girlfriend in the trapdoor, pointing left.
Push the buttons until the arrows match their clues. A key falls from a rope on the side of the stage. Take it.
Let’s get out of here! Time to head back to the lobby.
Oh dear, there doesn’t seem to be an exit, but what’s up with the ticket window?
Solve the rotating tile puzzle and get another key.
Getting out.
Well, we can’t get out the way we came in, so let’s see what else we can do. Our inventory has two pieces of paper with colour/shape clues, and we still haven’t solved that puzzle on the vending machine. Let’s go try that.
The picture from the backstage hallway tells us to match up the grey tile with the symbol that looks like a little man raising his arms. The pieces of paper in our inventory tell us where to put the other symbols.
You just need to move 1 to yellow, the other are already in place.
Another secret passage! We enter a room with a locked cabinet (with 2 locks) and a door.
2 locks, and we happen to have 2 keys.
Unlock the cabinet and reveal… a creepy puppet. I’m detecting a bit of a theme here. This seems to be the puppet-ified remains of the mom from that happy family we saw in the photo/read about in the newspaper clipping. She want our help.
Not much we can do as far as getting her to her family, but perhaps we can offer some spiritual solace?
Give Mom-puppet the silver cross. She dissolves away, leaving an exit ticket.
Take the ticket and go through the door. This looks sorta familiar. Click on the ticket window a couple times to see our old friend the ticket-taking puppet again. Sorry, mate, I’m afraid your puppet show wasn’t to my liking.
Give the puppet the exit ticket, and make your way out the door.
And get captured by the evil puppet master in the closing cutscene. I don’t know if there’s another better ending, I haven’t been able to find anything.
Whoa, man, that’s like the most best walkthrough EVER!! It was so long too and you helped me A LOT. Thanks!XD
Thank You but I am having trouble on the Skulls.
Set the skulls as a T.
I cant really find out the code for the left door
Wow, the Maroney is impossible. Does anyone know how to do it easily?
wee i beat the game yay for me and this was the only game of the forgotten hills that I had left.
how do you get past the first part
The cards…… Aggghhhhh
owwww i FINALLY got out of this hell….. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH ;-;
omg please, somebody help me!! i feed him with the eye and the brain. HOW I GET THE FINGERSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Just turn off your wifi already.. -_-
If you want to know how to get the fingers early and make the guy explode here’s the combo for all of them…
Eye: Middle, small, large, small, small, middle.
Brain: Middle, small, large, small, middle, middle.
Fingers: Large, middle, large, small, middle, small.
There you go, hope this helps out!
you can get the fingers by going back to the bells and rining them in this order big medium big small medium small
I WANT MORE F.H NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think these games are fun for creepy people like me.
I past the whole night. If you need to ask any questions reply to me.
i did the vending machine part correctly but nothing happened
Perhaps you did it wrong.
is very very cool i do not know how explain it !really!
is amazing
This game is amazing and I love it
Same I played forgotten hill: fall and forgotten hill: puppeteer. I haven’t played the other ones yet but I’ll play the surgery one soon since it’s the 3rd game
this is so cool
i love this game so so much
Fed the fat guy fingers but he didn’t explode, no key, I’m stuck! Help
have u tried to feed him the brain? if not, you can find the pattern at the storage room where the unknown barking creature is
Did you feed him the eyeball and brain?
you have to get the brain
You have to feed him the eye, brain, and fingers.
The way to get the eye is meidum smal big small small meidum.
To get the brain is meidum small big small meidum meidum.
i am stuck and very confused on how to do this will anyone help me?? i just fed the guy the eyeball
I can’t get the broom and creatures barks correctly.
Click the broom according to the number of times the dog barks.
I can’t get the Maroney in the right position wish I could advance. Probably would have loved the game otherwise…
Love the game, wish you would have made the marionnette a bit more lenient. More of a chore than a fun puzzle.
can you help me im stuck. i just started and i fed the really big guy the eyeball but i dont know what to do from there
I think this is hard for me but is till got the hang of it yeah I know i’m a kid I’m isiaah haro and I’m 12 years old THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it kind of is and ia am 11
Isaiah, keep it up. Do not give up. You got this
This game is awesome, but try and make the roman monomials easy
wow this game so hard for me but is coll.i like horor game and i like ghost thisg game
good game
It is SUPER Game!!!!!
how do you feed the guy
You go to the buffet room and click the bells in order. Eyeball: middle, small, big, small, small, middle. Brain: middle, small, big, small, middle, middle. Fingers: big, middle, big, small, middle, small