F. H. PUPPETEER – Game Guide 2

Here you can find the second part of the step-by-step guide to Forgotten Hill: Puppeteer.

If you want to read the first part of the guide click here.

Take note of the picture on left wall


Place the picture in the empty frame. Take note of the symbols appearing on it.


Curiosity: this is DEFINITELY the family that used to live in the house of Forgotten Hill: Fall

Touch the puppets following what the hand on the wall shows:
third, first, fourth, second, thirs, first. Collect the blue beetle.

Take note of the arrow symbol in the bottom frame.

Curiosity: can you recognize the house in that picture? The hand also reminds something…


Go back in the corridor and solve the puzzle on the central door using the symbols you have seen on  the seats.


Collect the lighter and the bucket.
Take note of the bells on the wall: Medium, Small, Big, Small, Medium, Medium.
Tap the broom imitating the creature’s barks: twice, three times, twice, once, three times. Collect the yellow beetle.

Go back to the SECRET ROOM in the cloakroom.
Light the candles with the lighter. Collect the heart key.

Go back to the KITCHEN.

Play the bells a second time following the hint on the wall.
Feed the fat guy with the brain, but he’s still hungry…

Use the coin in the vending machine and take the heart.

In the BATHROOM, place the bucket under the sink, unscrew the pipe with the wrench. Collect the bucket full of blood and the red beetle that is inside the sink.

Go to the BACKSTAGE and open the left door: Solve the puzzle following the hint in the family picture:


Place the beetles in their frames. The picture of Colonel McMillan moves and reveals a safe.
Open the safe following the hint written in the paper on the table: “when evil won’t be able to see you, what’s closed will open”= cover EVERY eye.
Collect the 2 papers inside.


Go back to the KITCHEN.

Play the bells a third time following the hint on the piece of paper:

Feed the fat guy with the fingers. He explodes!
Collect the key in his chest.

Open the hatch with the key.

Fill the container on the wall with the blood.
Open your girfriend chest with the heart key and put the heart inside. Close the chest. Press the red button.
Speak with your girlfriend.
Collect the paper she drops.
Take note of the symbol on the wall.

Position the clock hands as the hints found on the ticket booth, the puppets room and the prison:

Collect the little key.

Solve the puzzle inside the ticket booth. Collect the second key.

Solve the puzzle in the vending machine using the hints in the papers and the picture on the backstage wall. A secret passage will reveal.


Open the closet lockers with the keys.
Speak with the puppetized mother.
Give her the silver cross.
Collect the exit ticket.

Open the ticket booth and speak with the clerk.
Give him the exit ticket.
Escape the theatre… but you’ve been caught by the Puppeteer!



PLAY Forgotten Hill: Puppeteer

66 thoughts on “F. H. PUPPETEER – Game Guide 2

  1. I may have found something. Or maybe it was a glitch. By the way, I only played the First Steps version, so I don’t know if things are different in original version.

    Just before leaving the theatre (I already gave the exit ticket to the clerk and opened the exit door) I went back to the Fiancee. Curious of seeing her eyes and mouth opened, I used Hint there.

    Surprisingly, there’s a “?” sign near her head. When I tapped it, the usual “Something is missing” message appeared – indicating that there’s something that can be done there. I couldn’t find anything though.

    Does anyone know anything? Maybe we can save the Fiancee?

  2. im a bit stuck on the third bell puzzle, for the fingers- what exactly do you do if you could help me out a bit? thanks;>

  3. Ich glaube ich finde das Rätsel im Kartenhaus einfach nicht. Ich fühl mich gerade extrem dumm aber was ist das Rätsel? Ich bekomme einfach den zweiten Schlüssel nicht. Help.

  4. It doesn’t do anything after I give him the ticket it just says are you sure you want to leave and I can’t do anything after

  5. For the two lock cabinet i only have 1 key as opposed to two that the walk through said i am supposed to have, anyone know where the other one is?

    1. Did you do the puzzle in the first ticket room? I dint have the key either but then I did that puzzle and found it!

  6. I cannot and i mean I CANNOT get pass the door like with the magnifine glasses around the pictures. HELP

  7. So there is only one ending right …getting caught bc I HV been trying to go back and now I feel really dumb

  8. I need help with the creature in the wall, i need a rhythm for the broom, can i get a little help with that

    1. Click the broom once, then however many times he barks next. Keep clicking the broom to match the number of the barks, but wait until he’s done barking each time to click the broom, or else you’ll have to start that part over. Hope that helps!

  9. is it just me but I can’t figure out the seat puzzle with the theater seat signs 4 of them aren’t there? please help.

  10. I keep pressing the red button but nothing happens. I’ve already put the heart in my gf. Am I missing something?

    1. This game was amazing!!! I hope the forgotten hill admin sees this because if so I LOVE your game and the game guides are super helpful!!!! Have a lovely day!!!🎃🎃🎃😺😺😺🍄🍄🍄❤️❤️❤️

  11. Awesome game series! I can’t wait for the next big installment, the games are creepy, yet highly entertaining, and the mystery makes you crave more. The only thing I find mildly annoying is that sometimes it is hard to memorize a large sequence of clues, particularly in the puppeteer installment. Even so, looking forward to the future of this amazing and chilling series!

  12. This was so fun! It was like just the right amount of creepy so it was creepy fun but it also wouldn’t distract you from actually doing the puzzle n’ stuff.

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