F. H. MEMENTO: Run Run Little Horse

Can you remember Berry? Who’s Berry? A little friendship memory from Forgotten Hill residents.

77 thoughts on “F. H. MEMENTO: Run Run Little Horse

  1. OMG THATS THE THING OUTSIDE THE WINDOWS IN PUPPETEER!!! i know because when i played the first time with my bsf were were 10 and is scared us bad haha

  2. not the father sacrificing the innocent horse , even after years of playing this i still feel bad for the horse (and my gf who turned into a ‘puppet’)

  3. My cousins ​​(two) and I really like the Forgotten Hill games and we decided to do a speed run of the game that we consider easier and shorter. One of my cousins ​​managed, after many attempts, to complete it in 1 minute and 12 seconds, could someone tell me what the record is? Español: a mis primos (dos) y a mi nos gustan mucho los juegos de Forgotten Hill y decidimos hacer un speed run del juego que consideramos mas facil y corto. Uno de mis primos consiguio, despues de muchos intentos, completarlo en 1 minuto y 12 segundos, ¿alguien me podria decir cual es el record? saludos desde España

  4. “Not Everything That is Lost is Lost Forever” Wow literal chills. That is going in my memoir as a quote opening haha all credit provided of course!

  5. Omg, I remember I used to play this game when I was younger all the time! I absolutely love horses and horror so perfect combination lol <3

  6. I love these games a lot since I am known to be weird and these are fairly weird and demented games. I really hope they make a new one!

  7. guys my friend is like totally cool when she told me abt this. Scary tho! poppy said i can stay and watch her tonight. i will probably just make her ears bleed. Guinea pigs out the window am i right?

    1. no they aren’t. One is a crow, one is a praying mantis, and there are way more, but they are not horses

    1. yeah same I need help as well..This game is way too hard to complete…did you get to finish the game?

    1. apparently it is something normal in these games, for example in the puppeteer, perhaps in surgery and in Disillusion y’know 😉

  8. So there’s some problems in the Portuguese translation, what I noticed: the matches are translated to “correspondência” that’s a exchange of information, a better translation would be “fósforos” and “leaf” is not translated to “folha”, or “heart jewel” that would be “joia de coração”, even trough in the list is written right. Something that is not wrong, just unusual is in the menu which is written “joga” which is a command, usually on games is used “jogar”. They are not serious mistakes and din’t disturb the game play, I am just saying. And sorry about the bad English, loved the game 🙂

  9. Очень жалко лошадку Берри,это испортило ощущения от игры,а так неплохо.

    1. First, Look at The Shapes on The Wall And Count The Sides, The Code Is 63563 . Then Turn on The Candle With Matches To Get The Key . Use The Key And Open The Down Drawer . Look at The Painting And Match Horses With It . Ruin The Wall Under The Table With Pickaxe to Get The Key And Heart Jewel . Unlock The Drawer With Key And Do The Puzzle . Put The Monocle on The Man Who Is on The Wall (Sorry I Can’t Explain Better Than It :/) And Get The Brain . Kill The Hanged Thing And Put The Bottle Under It to Collect Its Blood . At Last, Pour Blood In The Pot to Get The Leaf (OMG I DID IT)

  10. i didn’t like the part where I needed to kill Berry, and i was a bit confused when i wasn’t able to move between rooms, I now realized I didn’t need too. Maybe include something like that in the description.

  11. I dont really like the part where you had to kill Berry your horse friend, srry Berry.
    May you rest in peace.

  12. Love all your games. Some were quite easy and some were quite a brain teaser. Keep up the good work, looking forward to see a new story!!

  13. After you finish the game and you hit play again you collect swords… is this just a glitch? Am i reading WAY too much into it? Also – great games i like how they’res easter eggs!

  14. perfect choice if you want to freak out little siblings. Perfect gorey unexpected ending with the horse. Now i know where all the haunts come from. I need you to come up with more forgotten hill mementos and games. I have memorized all the things with the fall pupeteer and surgery so when is your next game coming out?

      1. I think he’s referring to either the shadow horse or The Puppeteer, The Puppeteer is the son in Forgotten Hill! ||Btw, The Puppeteer’s real name is Nathan McMillan (AKA
        the brother of Colonel McMillan, or Ethan McMillan) you can find it in one of the books in Forgotten Hill Disillusion. I think the book is called “Residents of Forgotten Hill”? (I cant remember so pls help me-)|| (Idk how to spoiler here so help pls-

  15. HAHAHAHAHA…I played this game with my little brother at midnight,maybe he will have a bad dream.It is easier than the three games before.
    All oh the games are very interesting.Wish you success!

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