Welcome to Forgotten Hill Museum, a place where the past, the present, nature, art and the unknown are exhibited!
Do you want to have the best experience of this visit? So take some advice: never believe your eyes…
Forgotten Hill Disillusion, the 4th chapter for Forgotten Hill main story, starring Mr. Larson as the main character, is available NOW on Steam, App Store and Google Play and for Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5 and XBox!
Play the first chapter of Forgotten Hill Disillusion now!
Will you be able to solve the mystery and escape? But, above all, will you survive?
Someone needs to get jacksepticeye, mattpat, or markiplier to play the full version of this it would be so entertaining. These games are so good I’m surprised more people haven’t played them.
yesss such a good idea
I cant catch the bird in forgotten hill disillution
dove si trova sculptural arts?//
I honestly love forgotten hill games there amazing.!!!!!!!!
I can’t figure out the puzzle for the oven in ”Forgotten Hill Disillusion: The Library”. Do I need to wait or…?
I love that game. I played it on my PS4, too bad there is no more on PS4 but I’ll try playing on the IOS.
One of the best games I’ve ever played
I love this game but I’m stuck on the 5 cent machine I don’t understand what to do and how do i get the wardrobe door open?
Where game 🙃
lmao right?!
hello, I’m the biggest fan of the forgotten hill but when I play the demo on poki, I had to buy the full version on Steam, I appreciate for the help and keep up the good work, thanks for read the comment i ask for
When I make the handbrake bread, I’m not able to give it to the kid. When I select it, it opens a window instead of just selecting the item, and then I can’t put it on the plate.
Sorry, typed mandrake and was auto corrected to handbrake😃
What kid???
just add up the numbers v=5 i=1 and iii=3
I’m stuck on the part where u put the five cents in the thing help
if it’s in the first part then you just have to add up the number of glowing dots and then press the roman numerals that add up to that number. for example, 10 would be 5 and 5
Never mind found where tit goes. Brilliant game by the way!
Hi, can anyone help me with the mandrake bread? Have made it but can’t do anything with it.
watch it on youtube you need to whrite forgoten hill disilusion
Love your games! I am stuck! In the Sculptural Arts section, I have turned on the music and need to return to the area past the Sincere Cheater statue to retrieve an item for the kid’s headache. I return to that room but it remains as the solved puzzle from before. I reset all my progress and this is my second attempt to reach the end of the section so I can move on. Thanks in advance
Hi Meg, read carefully what’s written in the Sculptural Art Book about that statue and probably you’ll understand how to find a new way…
AHHHH! Thank you – moving on now . . .
hi i need some help can you play this game online or ou must install it?
Um forgot hill admin I want another new game for 3 days thank you 🙂
FM Studio, dude we gotta meet Ruth. She’s the one the one running the show and behind everything. Love the games and play ’em all the time. I especially like the backstory. And honestly, I think the game could be a book, or even better, a movie. It should. I ❤ FH! (PS. who is Jebediah Clockwork. Maybe there could be a backstory for him)
Can someone help me with this game it seems cindda hard bat I like it.😎❤️
This game is so cool and creepy I love them I’m the type of person that is in love with scary stuff I hope they will make more ❤️😊🙂😁
Great game! Just have a question.**(spoiler alert)** The lost and found guy says you can only take two items and one key. But after a while, I can only take two items, even if neither of it is a key. I can’t grab more than two items at a time, but before I could. Is there something I have to do or is it just a glitch? Would appreciate an answer, thank you so much! Can’t wait for another game!
I bet you forgot to return one item, Check the library… 😉
Did you leave the sheet somewhere? After you issue it you have to bring it back
how do you get to chapter 2
you have to download the app 😀
i know yall need money but im a kid in a poor faimaly and i love yalls games i play them as soon as there out til this was money i dont wanna hate on it over that and i understand why its money i mean the game is large and it cost money to make games thx for ur series tho i really wish there was a way i could play the game tho and i promise not being a gold digger i just love yalls games
You are sounding like one, they take time each day to make some bomb *** games and if you went to there Twitter they say that there a small indie team dedicated to game development, and what if they need to use something that they didn’t have and needed to waste money on, if you understand you wouldn’t be complaining and deal with it
How do you go to chapter 2?
I cannot take down the Sun and Moon pictures on the wall to switch them. This is in Beyond the library. Is this a glitch or am I supposed to do something before it will allow me to? I already spilled the urine and found the clue for it…. Please help!
Hi! Did you visited the room in both dimensions? You can try moving the lamp a bit and turn it on again to be sure it’s in the correct position.
I need Help what shall I do for the sword part for this room?
Same as trinity. The app won’t let me take down the sun or moon pictures. Help!
Have you tried our suggestions? Did you revealed the clue, visited room in both dimensions? Also try to move the lamp and turn it on again
Hi, I’m having the same problem with the sun and moon paintings and have tried the suggestions you have given.
Let me explain a bit more, the sun and moon pictures came off. I put them back up trying to figure out where they were supposed to go. I now cannot move them no matter how much I click.
If you cannot take off the paintings after having swapped them , it means you already put them in the correct position. Look around to see if something happened… 😉
I have completed all levels, including the ‘Beyond’ ones. I am now ready to play the ‘Save the Nunchukiddys’, but I cannot find the ‘lost and found’. I checked the walkthrough video, but it doesn’t show me how to get there. I think I need to switch the device on the wall by the exit of the museum from the sun to the moon in order for the lost and found to be accessible, but I don’t recall how to change it back. Any help is appreciated!
Nevermind, I think I figured it out!
can someone help with the wine bottle?
I love this game!
Does this need internet?
Hey Brenda, you don’t need internet to play Forgotten Hill Disillusion!
(also sorry for spoiling)
Just starting out but by reading the comments I’m gonna really enjoy your games!
i love this game sfm .CANNOT WAIT OMFG
Something made me come to this site tonight. Something tugged on my cosmic umbilical and I just had a gut feeling that something new was here or on the horizon. It has happened more than twice before here, too. I can’t wait for Disillusion to be released. So glad you guys are presenting the games on multiple formats as well. Sometimes I am an iOs guy….other nights, STEAM is where I live.
ALL of Forgotten Hill’s games are incredible. I play them late at night in my darkened house, my monitor is huge and I wear headphones. To say I get immersed in them is an understatement. I am so elated that the Forgotten Hill games just keep coming!! MORE!
Keep up the great work guys. The original story lines, searing visuals, gripping audio effects, and the ORIGINAL PUZZLES are what keep me coming back for more heavy doses.
You definitely know what you’re doing and nobody else’s games truly have the dark qualities that radiate from ALL of Forgotten Hill’s titles. How you managed to capture true darkness and funnel it into a game the way you have is beyond me…
Maybe you could consider posting a tentative release date, or at least give us a general idea? (ie “In two weeks”….”This Autumn 2019″….etc)
Please….don’t leave us hanging by a noose here…..
Hello, thank you so much for your comment, it really made our day! Forgotten Hill Disillusion is coming this Autumn, but we don’t have a precise date yet. Follow us on our social pages or sign up to the newsletter (in the sidebar) to be sure you don’t miss the announcement!
Thanks again and have a great weekend.
These series are complicated puzzling and are fun to play i just figured these games out it is cool when is ur next game coming
Love you for being unique and creepy! You have the best games!
This looks incredible! I love the entire Forgotten Hill series, I can’t wait to play this new game!
I love your games so much. Thank you for making them!
I love your games with it combining my love for horror and puzzles! Very good work on all your games and can’t wait to play the future games!
Love your games! Can’t wait to see the new chapter!
Estou muito animado para jogar! Adoro a franquia e tento até hoje desvendar a sua história. FMStudio, se puder, dá uma dica sobre a história e sobre os seus “vilões”