Forgotten Hill The Third Axis


As a member of the Third Axis organization, you have been sent on a dangerous mission to uncover the truth behind the disappearance of an important member. Are you ready to explore a new third dimension of horror in Forgotten Hill? Will you survive?

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22 thoughts on “Forgotten Hill The Third Axis

  1. this took me way too long to complete but it was pretty fun though but the puzzles were pretty tricky but I figured it out I just wish there was a save Butten so you could save your progress and save it if you completed the game but it’s fine but like I said it was a pretty good game though. so, with that being said I really did enjoy this one.

  2. Estuvo realmente bueno el juego diferente a lo de siempre un poco jodido en algunas partes por no decir en muchas, estuvo un poco difícil maniobrar el mouse y mas en los espacios reducidos jaja, la música y los golpes del mono le dieron el toque, me encanta su trabajo y la historia seguiré jugando y veré hasta donde llega todo esto , cool game 😀

    1. This takes forgotten hill to a whole new level; the 3D-ness is quite neat and fun to play around with!

  3. So happy to see a new game from you after discovering and devouring all Forgotten Hill games only a month ago. Always looking forward for more. The 3D combined with the usual first person view really did a good jumpscare effect. I screamed so loud my sleeping cat jumped and ran away XD

  4. loved it great games these are i love the stories behind them as well loved it you mad jump when the monkey thing 1st show up didn’t expect that lol good game love it this series is one of the best and its free what more could you ask for i always look out for email from you about new games coming out so cant wait for the next instalment in the series THANK YOU for bringing us these great games to play love them so much

  5. Bien, fue un buen juego me e jugado todos y este fue el que mas me gusto deje una reseña en poki, pero quizás este les llegue mas rápido no se. fue un buen juego me e acostumbrado a los otros y este fue muy entretenido jugarlos espero con ansias el capitulo 2.

  6. Wow, aunque hubo algunos puzzles muuuy complicados (que pude lograr sin ayuda xd pero que estuve apunto de usar) y la movilidad fue extraña en un principio, debo decir que quedé muy satisfecha con esta experiencia 3D. Cumple perfectamente con la esencia de Forgotten Hills y me tiene muy contenta 😀 la historia también es increíble y más de una vez quedé con la boca abierta, además de llevarme un buen susto en unas ocasiones. Como siempre una gran entrega y estaré atenta a su próximo contenido. Agradecida por darnos esta maravillosa franquicia :3.

  7. Now i understand why it took you so long to release a new game. Adding the third axis is a start of new era for FH! What is bugged for me: neck of a headless man and the whole prisoned kid are colored in magenta 😛 Aaaand… stuck on having cleaver, tripod, and card with a skeleton of a dog

  8. My first time commenting here. Keeping it as spoiler-free as I can. I really have to show my appreciation here, I loved this installment so much :”))) I wish I could make new lines with the return key, because this is gonna be the Wall of Text ever. Okay! You’ve managed to translate the FH aesthetic to 3D so perfectly; I really love the vibe, and it’s really amazing how much the visuals have improved and expanded since the first games. The mouse-based movement feels a little clumsy, mostly because of how much the camera smooths and drags past the point you move your mouse to (I played with X and Y inverted), but it does what it needs to. I’d be curious to see how the game would feel with the classic “WASD to move + mouse to look around” system, but I understand wanting to keep the Point and Click format, both because it’s in line with the original 2D format and because of how examining an area/object by rotating it was important for some puzzles. I admit I missed some items because of it, but I chalk it up to me not having been used to the system yet. In regards to puzzles, some were a bit obtuse to me (the spoons hint… I used the walkthrough for about 3 puzzles), but most of them flowed nicely enough and made sense; it all felt very “ah yes, this is truly Forgotten Hill” 😀 I definitely got jumpscared at some point. I was so worried there would be something like a stealth/chase section for This Episode’s Scary Thing That Kills You (And Safely Respawns You A Second Later (thank you)), but I’m so glad it was nothing like that. And as always, I love the added lore and the continuation of the story! The latter half of the game was full of moments that made me go “HOLY SHT” and “woah….” and “OH YEAH IT’S [CHARACTER NAME] FROM [PREVIOUS GAME] WHO [DID IMPORTANT THING]” and made me realize I remember so much FH lore now that I can’t really call myself a casual fan anymore lmao… Yeah. It was cool. I can’t wait to see what’s next! Also I want mandrake and pico rat plushies a normal amount please ple

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