Did you believe Forgotten Hill has regular pieces of furniture like everywhere else? Of course not.
Here continues the new series of stories set in Forgotten Hill: The Wardrobe. The second chapter, Two Sisters, will teach us that secret worlds, however perfect they may appear, may not be exactly what they seem…
Need help? Find here our Official Walkthrough Video:
I found it out
I need help so I found out the forgotten flavor but she’s still saying that it’s not it so I’m getting confused 🤔 isn’t the forgotten flavor honey,the grape thing,the strawberry,then the creature thing bottle/red bottle, then the bottle that’s sort of yellow, then honey,then the creature thing/red bottle, then the mango last honey is this correct?????I’m confident that is going to be correct 🪩💃💃👏😀
I need help how do you do the crowded part where you ring the bell and the crow wants you to talk in crow?
where do i get the hammer?
how do you learn the duck language?
Uh where are the golden scissors I can’t find them
The golden duck will find them for you if you use the code for find on the bottom of last page of duck book. duck will run and peck on the wall in the first scene after entering the wardrobe.
you have to get the bird out of the glass and do its duck noise and it will find the scissors
What is da code???
You have to send the golden bird to find gold. then he will start pecking at a brick. click on him so it goes away. then break it with the hammer in the room the crow was in. and BOOM the golden scissors.
The different card puzzle in chapter 2 , how to be solved , I tried to follow all the lines but I always fail .
Spoiler: use the red wire and put everything up correctly so everything matches, then after that grav the key and go 1 right and open the door click the piano and open it andgrab the diary and the coin and matches go to the sofa and table and insert the coin and one is inside the piano, grab the furter and choppy and chop the flowers, then go to start and go to that symbol and press the nail with your nail remover and go chop berries and after that, you have berries and a nail, then go to the skeleton bird and insert a nail then grab it and go to the living room and go inside the room in the living room, and insert your nail skeleton bird in it, continue by yourself. Hope this helps 🙂
And also, give the berries to the fake people.
OO-ŌO- duck answer
It’s funny (on the topic of sisters) because I and my sister love playing your game together after school sometimes. When I first started playing them I got nightmares, now I’m just used to it lol
were do I find the reward for the imp ??????? I NEEEEDDD TOOOO KNOWWWWW
you have too beat the imp in hide and seek,so you can get your reward
How do I get to the next wardrobe
how do I learn duck language?
you have to find the book its in the room with the bird puzzle thing
Whats the code for the horned raven? I can’t figure it out.
what do you do with the bird painting after you stab it and cut it out?
The bird painting is the key to wardrobe.
I cant seem to find out how to open the 2 last doors!
ther in the wall in the room you first sapam in win you inter that demintion use te hammer to break one on the squares on the wall it will be in ther.
I can find the scissors either.
Where the duck is knocking. Use a hammer
In Abby’s world I don’t know how too do the bird foot one the paper isn’t helping me.
same here
I cant find the golden scissors that the butler is talking about
How do u do the bird foot one in Abby’s world!
where the nail i need to get to stab bird picture
so you have to go back to the room we start in and the picture has a loose nail the one with the symbols you have to use the cutter though
For the bird foot one, theres a slip of paper in the room on the far right in the portrait, it should show you the placement of things
I can’t get the ship puzzle to work. I’ve followed the walkthrough exactly, and it’s not doing anything!
where is the fifth flower?
use the paint brush with the blood in the room with hanging bird skulls, go to the living room and paint the white roses red using the paint brush with blood on it
I’ve gotten to the part where I have all the jars filled other than the wasp one and the mango one, I have the wasp- how do I get the wasp to produce the honey?
Martha have a paper with bee and it will say their parfum like exaple (it a exaple for u to understand) vanilla cofee cofee chocolates vanilla and after you just go see the window u call it with parfum thing and you suposed to have something, a bowl? well you trap the bee and then you go see the flower in abby portal and u leave for 2seconde i thing and you do the parfum thing and u take the honey l do you understand ?
Two questions: what was the door that stayed closed in Martha’s world? And do they stay skeletons forever lol?
Yea but if someone is inside they need to get them out and burning it might let the unclean beings out into the real world so kinda a bad idea
what do I use the pinchers and cutters for?
how do I use the paper that says “a good captain always follows the course”? I can’t figure out how to use it on the tiles on the wall
Debes de presionarlos según el papel el barco te indica donde enpezar
loved it yet again they show us hoew great they are at doing these games love them so much realy make you think some of the puzzles do i love them so much great games not enough said about them pity as they are great games indeed look forward to more
What doI do with the skull? The hints don’t help. I reread the dairy 25 times and it still won’t help. I don’t know if my IQ is 10 or what. Can someone help me?
the bird skull? You just get the nail from the paper in the first room using the pliers. you put the nail in the painting of the bird’s head. you cut the painting out. You use the painting to unlock the first part of the wardrobe.
how do I get to the second?
only big chungus knows
You got to go to that one opened wardrobe. Than you can enter the world with the skull. i hope it helped you
How do you get the golden bird to get the golden scissors???????
Help. I am stuck on duck language. How do i pass it?
How do get past the fruit one?
In the room the bird skull was there’s a bush, you should have a kind of hoe at this point, the bush contains some fruits so use the hoe to take them out and give it to the duck.
Es el más difícil de todos los que he jugado, estoy atascada en la prueba de de poner en orden los botes de colores….
OO-ŌO- is the anser to duck language
How do you get past it?
I was kinda disappointed to see that my daughters aren’t as pretty as they are in the game icon, but great game! This just goes to show that fantasies, while seeming amazing and mystical, will eventually try to claim you if you let yourself become obsessed with your fantasy.
They were decomposed by the wardrobe sucking the life out of them, they didn’t always look like that
Why on earth no one ever tries to burn that wardrobe? It’s made of wood and it contains unclean beings, so burning it should come to mind as the default way of getting rid of it.
i love forgotten hill best best game everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
ahhhh meeee toooooo
Just finished the game! I’m really hoping for a part three, because everyone knows, in forgotten hill, even when no one knows that something exists, there will always be someone that finds it. I’m ready to close the wardrobe a third time!
heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy i love forgotten hill best games everrrrr
Отличная работа, только зависает игра когда перечницу достаю у торта
I like the game and all but I am kind of stuck can you make a game guide
It seems another scary,grueling challenge awaits us! Thanks for the great games (:
Now it worked, probably by deactuvating fullscreen
this was really fun! keep up the good work
How do get past the fruit one?
Isn’t Abigail Blumenthal that old b*tch in FH Disillusion? The one obsessed with birds and plants? What happened to her sister?
Hay un juego que se llama grandhmas delicious cake y claramente la vieja es Martha bluementhal