It starts here a new series of stories happened in Forgotten Hill, let us introduce Forgotten Hill Tales!
In the first tale – Little Cabin in the Woods – we are about to know the story of a young boy with a painful past and his will to escape from a sad and secluded life…
Im not going to spoil anything but there is an Easter egg that’s pretty cool that you can find after you finish all of the tales and replay cabin in the woods. Also shoutout to forgotten hill for doing that because i thought that was super clever and I was wondering if there’s anymore of these types of Easter eggs in the other games.
This is definitely one of my top Forgotten Hill games! I especially the plot twist in the end. Thanks!
Introduced a friend yesterday with this game. love it!!
The little cabin in the woods is a bit hard but i finiah it in one school day 10/10 recommend
I’m stuck on how to do one of the puzzles. Someone on here said it’s “Hourglass, star, triangle, moon”, but I don’t know how to get that, can someone help?
oh wait, no I made a small mistake, I meant the puzzle in the room with the skulls, I need help on THAT
I need help i opened the Dresser but i can’t figure out the code
Hey Everyone I have a walkthrough if you need one. I will try not to spoil anything for you and if I do I deeply apologize. Once you enter the game you are in a room. Don’t do anything with the room and go into the hall. Go to the left and you will see a picture with crows. Use that picture to press the correct crow skulls.(Top left, Top right, Bottom right, Top right, Bottom left, Top left, Bottom right.) Go to the Kitchen and Take the knife and wood. There is a door to the right open it and take the Frog, Bowl, and Bucket. Put the frog in the pot in the kitchen and open one of the cabinets and use that matches on the wood that is in the cabinet. Also, red,gray,gray then gray,red,gray go to the front door and click it to try and leave which will open up the room on the side. In that room take the poster on the floor. Go into the room with the deer and put the wood you picked up in the fireplace and use the matches on it. Collect the paper. Use that on the puzzle by your room. It opens a door. (You want the things on the paper to be the only things showing.) Take the Sewage in the room. You should see a crack in the wall in that same room. Click it and stab the eye. Don’t worry about the eye at the moment. Pour the sewage on the fire that’s in the room with the deer and take the ashes. Put the ashes in the pot. Got to the front door and click the coats. but a key should fall out. Take that key to the room with the eye. Fix the puzzle and take the key you get to your room. open up your dresser. You need the picture on the wall that’s in your room. Use that on the thing that opened up on your dresser and you will get the right symbols to use on the door that’s in the room with the deer. (Hourglass, Star, Triangle, Moon.) Take the wrench and the saw. Put the poster on the wall and use that to open the safe. (It will save your progress on the safe puzzle so feel free to look at the poster more than once.) Take the objects the safe gives. Use the saw on the deer antler and put it in the pot in the kitchen. Then use the wrench on the foset in the kitchen. Go back to the room with the eye. Put the foset in the hole under the knife then the bucket. (If you don’t do it in this order it will not work!!!) Make sure you click the foset once more and take the bucket with blood. From the safe, you should have gotten a paper with different color circles and use that on the puzzle in the same room with the eye. Use this in the room that connects with the kitchen. Its basically just what color it is and what angle it is if you know what I mean. ( Three dots, Bottom half of a stickman, The square with a line on its left side connecting to the top, Down arrow.) Collect the Mandrake and put that and the soup if finished. Give it to your grandpa. Take the key from him and use it on the front door. Open the curtain and look in the mirror. Then leave the mirror and click it multiple times. Take the key and open the door
omg thank you so much
the key didn’t fall out
thank you so much
I love all their games. Every single of them are so amazing!
win !
How do you get the coat thing? Also I can’t do the door puzzle
click the red coat then grey, then grey, then grey, then red, then grey
Where exactly is the eye hole in the wall? I got the room open but dont know where the eye is. any help?
What is the sypher on the wall?
I lost my soup-making license playing this game. Now everyone thinks I’m gonna try to poison them :((((((((
how do you get the fost to work?
you have to use the wrench to get the faucet head off and put it in the wall after stabbing the eyeball that is in the wall
i need help, i cant find out how to make the soup can you give me an idea of how to do it?
First, get the frog and put it in the pot. Then, later in the game when you find the mandrake, blood, deer antler, and ashes, put them in the soup and then light the log underneath the stove and pick up the bowl to put soup in it. To get the ashes- light the fire in the fireplace and use the large bowl of green muck on the fire then grab the ashes. To get the antler- after you get the hand saw, use it on the deer head by the fireplace. To get the mandrake- press the buttons in the kitched in the right order, then the cabinet will open and you grab the mandrake and put it in the pot. To get the blood- in the room next to the bedroom, click the crack in the wall and stab the eye with the dagger from the kitchen. Use the wrench to get the faucet head off, then put the faucet head in the wall and put the bucket there to collect the blood. Put them ALL in the pot and light the fire. After the soup is made, give the soup to Grandpa.
Hi, is there an option to play it fullscreen in the browser ? Many thanks
play it on poki
what is the sequence of the scrolls on the wall? please help me
I beat the game. thx so much.
Hey Everyone I have a walkthrough if you need one. I will try not to spoil anything for you and if I do I deeply apologize. Once you enter the game you are in a room. Don’t do anything with the room and go into the hall. Go to the left and you will see a picture with crows. Use that picture to press the correct crow skulls.(Top left, Top right, Bottom right, Top right, Bottom left, Top left, Bottom right.) Go to the Kitchen and Take the knife and wood. There is a door to the right open it and take the Frog, Bowl, and Bucket. Put the frog in the pot in the kitchen and open one of the cabinets and use that matches on the wood that is in the cabinet. Also, go to the front door and click it to try and leave which will open up the room on the side. In that room take the poster on the floor. Go into the room with the deer and put the wood you picked up in the fireplace and use the matches on it. Collect the paper. Use that on the puzzle by your room. It opens a door. (You want the things on the paper to be the only things showing.) Take the Sewage in the room. You should see a crack in the wall in that same room. Click it and stab the eye. Don’t worry about the eye at the moment. Pour the sewage on the fire that’s in the room with the deer and take the ashes. Put the ashes in the pot. Got to the front door and click the coats. I never did figure out the order but a key should fall out. Take that key to the room with the eye. Fix the puzzle and take the key you get to your room. open up your dresser. You need the picture on the wall that’s in your room. Use that on the thing that opened up on your dresser and you will get the right symbols to use on the door that’s in the room with the deer. (Hourglass, Star, Triangle, Moon.) Take the wrench and the saw. Put the poster on the wall and use that to open the safe. (It will save your progress on the safe puzzle so feel free to look at the poster more than once.) Take the objects the safe gives. Use the saw on the deer antler and put it in the pot in the kitchen. Then use the wrench on the foset in the kitchen. Go back to the room with the eye. Put the foset in the hole under the knife then the bucket. (If you don’t do it in this order it will not work!!!) Make sure you click the foset once more and take the bucket with blood. From the safe, you should have gotten a paper with different color circles and use that on the puzzle in the same room with the eye. Use this in the room that connects with the kitchen. Its basically just what color it is and what angle it is if you know what I mean. ( Three dots, Bottom half of a stickman, The square with a line on its left side connecting to the top, Down arrow.) Collect the Mandrake and put that and the soup if finished. Give it to your grandpa. Take the key from him and use it on the front door. Open the curtain and look in the mirror. Then leave the mirror and click it multiple times. Take the key and open the door. Then you finished the game. I tried my best to explain hope this helps 😄😲😭
to get the key out the jackets is : red,gray,gray then gray,red,gray that it then yall will get the key
Actually, the other coat is blue
no one really cares about the color, know-it-all
wow thx it worked
**For anyone who wants to know, the order for the coats is
Thanks so much this really helped me. Can you do one for Portrait of Obsession next?
Yo i was getting stuck on the game when i was on the class and while i watch i made a code and im a big fan of forgotten hill
can someone drop a guide in the comments
I gave grandpa the soup, but it didn’t…do what it was supposed to.
give it to grandpa
It was supposed to turn him into Rip-Off Skulduggery Pleasant. If he didn’t become Rip-Off Skulduggery Pleasant, then you did it wrong.
can you please make a game guide for this game like the guide for the first 2, fall and puppeteer? I suck at this stuff, can’t get past anything.
What do I do after i give him the soup
take the key on his neck
i finish it
im confused on what to do with the puzzle on the wall behind the circle puzzle, im talking about the puzzle in the room with the eye please help!
i liked the game it just wasn’t as scary as fall
stab the eye with the knife
what do i do after i stab the eye???
put tap on the hole to get tap you need to take it on kitchen room and take it with wrench
how do u get the wrenh
I love ur games
I really love this game I will give it five stars please make more.😊♥️
I love this game its like rusty lake but free and more sequel’s good job!
what do i do with the bucket.
how do i get past the spinning peice outside my room
I don’t know what to do I have the knife the frog the bowl the bucket and poster how do I get past this?
put the frog in the pot in the kichen
Me encantaan todos los juegos de forgotten… Me dejn siempre con ganas de más!!! Espero sigan realizando juegos así y dándonos la posibilidad de jugarlos gratis. Muchas gracias 💋
Ami tambien los estoy completando todos
Amo todos sus juegos. ¡Espero que en el futuro hagan muchos más!
i dont know do
Je n ai pas compris le jeu
è un po difficile ma molto bello
I love the forgotten hill games, please continue with the games!
I finish to solve this in 3 hours and 57 minutes and man, the plot twist in the end is unexpected 😉
it was unexpected
Thank you for all the fun games. WE WANT MORE
It is extremely difficult
i know i tried though
Damn, unexpected ending. Need to go via walkthrough when got stuck at coat. Such sinister trick only to find out there is a key before i can finished the game with my own talent. Huhu.
how do u get the bones?
Cut off the antler of the deer with a saw.
This is an amazing game……..its short, but that plot twist at the end…….WHOA!!!!!! We are the monster, no wonder grandpa kept us locked up…….he didnt want US lurking in the woods!!!;)
So i was here looking to help from from being stuck and u spoiled the whole ending. Thanks. 😢
You are totally right. So sorry this spoiler went under our radar.
no puedo creer que fui tan estúpida a pesar de que el mensaje esta censurado me puse de curiosa y me espolie yo misma ;-;
this is amazing but I am really struggling. how do you get the water to work????
You Should Hit The Knife In The Eye In The Wall Gap . Then Take The Tap With Wrench And Put It Under The Gap . Put The Bucket Under It And Collect The Blood .
i need help please
Couldn’t open it 🙁 it always freezes at the loading bar. Firefox on IPad Pro.
Can’t wait to play this!!!
At the moment mobile support for this game is limited, you can play Little Cabin in the Woods on computer or wait just a few weeks and download the native App that is coming soon! 😉
I played all of the forgotten hill game but do far this is one of the best
When will the next game in the series be published?
amazing game i enjoyed it i took like about an hour to solve it lol 😀
لعبة رائعة جدا
أتمنى أن يتعمقوا أكثر في القصة وأن تظهر شخصيات جديدة
و قوية
Cuando saldra la siguiente plataforma para Android? Soy muy fan de sus juegos son los mejores,eso sin duda,nunca dejen de sacar continuaciones!
amazing one more time. if you release a game that needs payment i will be the first to buy
Stuck. Every time I open the safe the game freezes. Tried restarting it several times but still can’t get past the safe. Safari on a MacBook Pro.
Hi, we are very sorry about that. This kind of games works better on Chrome or Firefox. Maybe you can try and see if it works using one of those browsers.
This was a great addition to the Forgotten Hill games. Thank you! Keep up the great work. I look forward to all your games.
Amazing as usual!! Keep up the good work guys!
Awesome story and gameplay,love the little plot twist lol i look hideous,I am a big fan of this game series so i won’t find how illogical and weird things turn out anymore lol,i am looking forward to the next game!!!!
wow!! This is a new incredible game! Thank you guys for making such amazing and horrible games!
To be honest the last step shocked me a bit lol.
I have just finished your new episode, but this one maybe a bit short compared to the previous works.
So I can’t wait to play your next game !!!
Super great as always!!!