Two Sisters – Official Walkthrough



Do you really believe that there can be a World perfect for you? The second chapter of Forgotten Hill The Wardrobe may prove you wrong…
Find here a complete walkthrough video for Forgotten Hill The Wardrobe: Two Sisters.


52 thoughts on “Two Sisters – Official Walkthrough

  1. i cant figure out what to do with the button beneath the ships and the picture with the arrows and the same buttons,i press according to order but it doesnt do anything

  2. I can’t figure out the sweets maze cards, how do you know what’s wrong? Please help I love these games and wanna keep going!

  3. olá, como chamo o corvo chifrudo ( creio que tem quê chamar na janela), já peguei a folha ao lado da garota centada mas não entendi com traduzir o canto e não sei qual seria esse canto, seria o de chamar ou o do pato de ouro????? me ajudaaaaaa.

  4. olá, estou com dificuldade de encontrar o corvo chifrudo, já peguei o papel ao lado da garota mas não sei qual dos cantos de pato é, seria o de chamar ou o do pato de ouro???

  5. I played the song for the golden bird and it went to the right room but it just looks like it’s having a seizure what do I do?

    1. I’ve gotten into the forgotten hill fall game but now I’m looking here for help tips now I’m looking for that code there in the work room it’s butterfly code

    1. so you have to translate the duck calling song into horned raven and there’s a page for that next to the little girl on the chair, hope that helps

  6. After solving the puzzle where you have to give sweets to all the fake people, the puzzle does not go away and give me the oven mitt. Nothing happens and I have to solve the puzzle again and again, and no oven mitts ever appear. Is mine broken? What do I do

  7. Um Forgotten Hill Admin can you tell me if you guys have a name for the butler creature? Or, at least what kind of creature it is? I’m writing a story based off the game and I wanted to know the name if there is one. tysm!

  8. The hints for “translating” from Duckese to Crowese are misleading, but you can tell good parts from bad parts through trial and error. The translation from Crowese to Hornedravenese, however, doesn’t seem too make much sense. This part could be explained in more detail.

  9. Yes, he drank the second one that I made and I finished the chapter. Thanks, looking forward to more forgotten hill games

  10. I’m stuck in wardrobe chapter 2. I accidentally made the wrong mixture and I can’t do anything with it. I can’t dump it out anywhere and there is no response from the butler when I try to give it to him.

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